We have the passion to help and to serve. As in Matthew 25: 40 says ”In as much as ye did it to one of the least of these my brethren , ye did it unto me”.
Our journey ignited when we were transferred from hospital setting to school setting 27 miles away from the city. Our home was open to students who cannot afford to stay in the dormitory, where they were
free for their board and lodging until they finished their studies.
As leaders in the newly opened school of nursing , we were still in charged of the school clinic that catered not only the employees, students but also the community surrounding the school campus. The
clinic provides all services including minor surgical cases, pre-natal, labor and delivery for school employees and the community. Every month, free clinic were provided, with dental services provided by invited Dentist. These endeavor lasted for 5 years until we were called to be missionaries in Africa. Our family look on the Isaiah 6:8 , and we say Here we are Lord, send us to mission field to serve.
Our family stayed in Malawi Africa for 6 years, in which we served not only in the hospital and school of Medical sciences at Malamulo Adventist Hospital but also served in the community. Once a month, our
family will go to a community and served them meal and distribute clothes to the children. One community we provided potable water to prevent spread of intestinal disease. We also help one community build their church.
When our 6 years term ended as missionaries, most of our things/belongings were donated to the community. Our family migrated to US and worked as nurses after passing the NCLEX exam and papers to qualify to work. In US, our passion to serve and help people who are in need did not ceased. We started helping individual students to finished their schooling.
In 2016 HisFootsteps Foundation LLC as 501 C (3) was approved and registered in Texas EIN No. 45- 3232445 to continue our missionary / mercenary services with taxable donations from friends and sponsors.